Working on a slow computer decreases your productivity and causes undesirable issues. In such cases, availing the services of a tech support provider or giving the computer for repair can seem to be a costly or unwanted expense. If you are wondering how to fix slow computer free of cost, you can try the troubleshooting tips given below to improve its performance on your own.
Using Disc Defragmenter
- Disk Defragmenter cleans up fragmented data in your computer.
- Click on the Start In the Search box, enter Disk Defragmenter and press the Enter key. Once the search results appear, click on the Disk Defragmenter icon to open it.
- Under the Current Status column, select the disk you want to check and select Analyze Disk.
- The program will now show the percentage of fragmentation in the disk you selected.
- If the percentage of fragmentation is above 10%, click on the Defragment Disk The process will take some time; wait for it to complete, do not switch off or restart the system.
- Check all other disks the same way and defragment whenever necessary.
Using Disk Cleanup
- Disk cleanup removes all unnecessary data in the computer.
- Open My Computer from the desktop shortcuts or from the Start menu.
- You will see a list of drives present in the computer. Select the drive you need to cleanup, right-click on it and select Disk Cleanup. If you do not see the option in the context menu, open the Properties window of the drive to access it.
- Select the items you wish to delete and click
Remove Startup Programs
Improve Computer Performance Removing programs that automatically start when Windows is powered on will increase boot up speed and improve overall performance.
- Click on the Start button and hover the mouse over All Programs. From the menu, click on the Startup
- You will see a list of programs that automatically start up when the computer is switched on. Select the programs that you don’t want to start automatically and click on the Delete
- The programs will only be removed from the startup list, not from the computer; so there is nothing to worry about when removing them.
You know now how to fix slow computer issue all by yourself. Additionally, installing a reputed antivirus program and installing official Windows updates periodically would ensure that your computer remains safe from viruses and other external threats.