If the companies use the internet for their business, they are definitely prone to attacks from viruses and hackers. Hence, it is very important to realize this threat from malicious software which could cause serious harm to your systems. Malware removal is a vital part of your success. Below is a discussion on a few ways to say if your systems are under the attack by malware infection.
Slow Computer
The most commonly found symptoms of malware is an unusually slow computer. If you notice that your programs and operating systems are taking more time than usual to start, or if the data bandwidth is extremely low, it means the computer might have a virus.
Before you assume that your computer has been infected by a virus, you have to ensure that there are no other causes making it run slow. Firstly, for Windows users, you should check your RAM. For this, you can go to the task manager first by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Now visit the Performance tab and see the gigabytes count of RAM you are occupying under the Memory section.
Mac users should open the Activity Monitor app. Here, below the System Memory, you would be able to find the RAM usage.
Other possibilities of a slow system include a shortage of space on your hard drive or damaged hardware. Once you are sure these are not the reason, a virus may have affected the system.
Blue Screen Of Death (Bsod)
In case your PC crashes very often, it might be due to a technical issue or a malware infection. There is a possibility that you may not have installed the latest versions of drivers on the system. Further, it is possible that the programs you are running may not be compatible with your hardware. If these are not the cause of the problems on the PC, the virus may be the reason behind the crashes. In order to find out the exact reason behind the last instance of BSOD, you should visit the Control Pane, followed by the System and Securit, and then Administrative Tools where you should select the Event Viewer. Now pick Windows Log. The ones which have “error” marked, are the reasons behind the crashes. To troubleshoot the issue, it is recommended to approach the IT department.
Programs Opening And Closing Automatically
Malware might be the reason why the programs are opening and closing on their own. Make sure, if these programs are expected to behave in this manner or if they are incompatible with the existing hardware before assuming that the computer is infected by a virus.
Absence Of Storage Space
There are different kinds of malware that manipulate the system but are still saved in the computer. Many of these fill the hard drive with unusual files. In case you find programs that you have never installed previously, it is advisable not to open the application straight away. Instead, run a search of the application and find out about it. If you are certain that it is a malware, take the help of a malware removal program to remove it.
Suspicious Activity Modem And Hard Drive
Apart from the other common warning sight, you should be careful if the hard disk is functioning continuously even when there are no programs working. Further, you should also be aware of the external modem is lit. Make sure you run a thorough scan of the computer in these cases.
Pop-Ups, Websites, Toolbars, And Other Unwanted Programs
These are irritating ways in which your computer will indicate that it has been affected by malware. Pop-ups result from clicking on unusual pages, by replying the survey before availing the services of a website, or while installing free applications. If there are ads which appear to be too good to be true, these are the ones you have to avoid. If the pop-ups appear suddenly, do not click on the pop-up page. Close the window promptly and use the computer virus removal tool on your system.

Similarly, installing a free application is a common way in which malware enters your system. While installation, you may skim through the terms and condition, which they use to trick you into accepting malware. You may unknowingly agree to open new browsers and websites which may fill your system with malware. Hence, caution is essential when you are downloading something for free. If possible, avoid these practices completely.
You’re sending out spam
In case your friends inform you that you are sending out uncommon links or messages, throughout the social media and email, you may be affected by spyware. These arise from forgetting to log out of the accounts or by failing to set strong passwords.
Even if the malware has not affected your system, it is advisable to have regular scans for malware to prevent any unwanted activity and ensure the safety of the system.