Nobody can imagine a world without computers. Today humans are very much dependent on machines for everything. A day-to-day life without the system will be next to impossible. Be it for business or leisure, the wide usage is very much visible and inevitable.
So to this context, it’s very essential to know the basic workings. Nowadays, having knowledge about the workings of a computer is a real necessity. Get started by knowing about the screen size and desktop settings. The knowledge of desktop settings is very important because it is where you see all the stored data.
In normal cases, a computer’s screen resolution is quite big for displaying the items clearly. Due to this, all the desktop items are very visible and covered on the entire wide screen. Using the Theme option on your computer, it is possible for customizing screen saver, desktop background, color, etc. You can also personalize desktop items from the Control Panel.
There is no need of resetting your hard drive to bring things to normal again. This can be done by accessing the Appearance and Themes category in Windows. The following steps given below will show you how to fix your computer screen back to normal view.
Steps For Fixing The Screen Back To Normal View
Appearance And Theme Category In Windows First of all, click on Start button and then on Control Panel Now you have to open the Appearance and Themes category. Now click on the Display icon. Doing so you will be able to open the Display Properties window.
- Next step is to click on Theme. Now from the Menu tab, Default Theme is to be selected. Once it has been done, click on the Apply tab found near Display Properties
- Now click on Desktop icon, which is found on top of Display Properties After that click on the Customize Desktop icon found under the Background option. Now you will see a pop up window of Desktop Items.
- Final step is to click on the Restore Default icon that is located near Desktop Items Now Desktop Items will be automatically reset as your Default Settings.
With expert computer tech support, it is very easy for you to fix the computer screen back to the normal view. All the instructions are very simple to understand and perform.