Some users often complain that their laptop or PC is running at a slower rate than normal. The major culprit behind most of the computer running slow issues is virus and malware attacks. So, the first and foremost thing you should do is to scan your computer with an antivirus program, as it will help you to identify whether your device is virus infected or not.
However, if the search results of the anti-virus reveal that your device is free from virus and malware infections, then below are a few simple yet efficient techniques that will help you to speed up your laptop or PC.
Delete the Junk and Duplicate Files
You should take note of the fact that the duplicate and junk files in your PC may gradually fill up the hard drive. This might affect the performance of your device and gradually slow down the operations. Removing as much as junk files from your computer will make the device perform a lot more faster. In addition to that, you should also try to locate the duplicate files on your device and permanently delete them because it will help you to solve computer running slow issues.
Delete Programs you no Longer Use or Need

Let us assume that you have already deleted the junk and duplicate files from your device. Now you might be probably wondering what to do next. The next step is to remove the programs that you are no longer using. You can easily do this by selecting the Uninstall a Program icon under Programs in the Control Panel of your computer. You must try to be a little bit cautious during this step, so that you do not accidentally delete any of the useful programs.
Defrag your Hard Drive
After you have effectively removed the unnecessary programs and files from your computer, you will need to compact the remaining data in the device by defragmenting the hard drive. This will enable the device to easily and quickly access the data in the device, which in turn increases the speed of the device. If you are a computer user who has no clue on how to defrag the hard drive of a PC, then it is best to get in touch with an expert online computer repair technician instead of doing the job on your own.