Malware are malicious programs wrapped up in genuine programs, which are coded with the intent to cause harm to a computer or a network. To combat the increasing cyber threats in an enterprise, you will need to have a good understanding on malware removal, different types, and their spreading methods. Below is a glimpse at the basic details of malware that would help you in dealing with the issue.
Malware Terminologies
Drive-By Download
These programs spread by the unintended download of computer programs from the internet. Drive-by download either refers to the download that happens without the knowledge of the user, or that authorized by the user without the knowledge on the outcomes.
Vulnerability refers to a security defect in software that can be exploited by the malware. The defect can be a flaw in design, error in programming, or some other inherent weakness in the implementation of the software or operating system.
Homogeneity is a setup where all the systems in a network are running on the same operating system. Homogeneity increases the chance of a malware in one PC spreading to the other in the same network.
Backdoor refers to a break or an opening left in a software, system or network security by design. Backdoors are mainly used for debugging purposes.
Malware Attack Methods
A zero day vulnerability refers to an undisclosed flaw that the developers of malwares can exploit. These vulnerabilities are called Zero-Day, as they are not announced or reported to the public before they become active.
Privilege Escalation
Privilege escalation refers to situations where the hacker gets access to restricted data that are on high-level security.
Exploit refers to a threat that is made real through successful attacks on vulnerability. The term exploit is also used to refer to software that is developed with the aim to target on the loopholes on a device.
Blended Threat

This term is used to refer to a malware package that combines the characteristics of different types of malware like worms, Trojans, or viruses and seeks to exploit multiple vulnerabilities in the system.
Evasion is the technique that malware developers use to avoid analysis and detection of the malware by security programs and software.
These are the various ways in which malware programs attacks a system. It can be difficult or easy to get rid of a malware attack based on the severity of the attack. If you suspect a malware attack on your system, you will need to contact a computer virus removal technician for help with malware removal.